We took 4 Goju-ryu members from France, Austlia and Australia to Okinawan Karate history tour with Goju-ryu Jundokan very famous master Kinjo sensei on 14 November.
We started 9:30am and visited 6 spots as below
1.Grave of Chojun Miyagi(Founder of Goju-ryu)
2.Monument of Gichin Funakoshi(Founder of Shoto-kan)
3.Famous shrine Okinogu
4.Lunch BBQ at Senaga island
5.Grave of Kanryo Higaonna(Founder of Goju-ryu)
6.Grave of Eiichi Miyazato(Goju-ryu famous master and one of a top student of Chojun Miyagi)
We can arrange various type of Karate history tour depending on your Karate style and requests.
If you are interested in it, please refer to following page.