Our company “Ageshio Japan Co.,Ltd” appeared in one of the famous Okinawa newspaper “Ryukyu Shimpo”on August 1st,2018.
This article faced on our CEO Kenjiro Ueda(Kenny). He has practiced Karate for 34 years, and he was Champion of Shito-Ryu all Japan championship tournament in 1997 and Karate Australia championship tournament in 1999 & 2001. In addition he has managed travel his own travel company for 15 years old. Through his experience of Karate and travel business, he came up with Okinawa Karate travel tourism and founded Ageshio Japan Co.,Ltd last year.
He wants foreign Karate practitioners to experience real Okinawan Karate in Okinawa.
・Article (in Japanese): https://ryukyushimpo.jp/news/entry-772901.html
・Related article (in Japanese): https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20180801-00000002-ryu-oki