Ryoichi Nakandagari sensei Hanshi 7th Dan
Shodokan Haebaru

Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
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Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
Nakandari Ryoichi
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Dojo info

Dojo Name Shodokan Haebaru
Style Goju-Ryu
Area Haebaru

・Learn kihon (basics), kata, and applied movements of Goju-ryu.
・For basic training, you will practice using Okinawa’s unique training tools.

Master info
Name Ryoichi Nakandagari
Grade Goju-Ryu 7th dan
Position President of Shodokan Haebaru

Ryoichi Nakandagari Sensei was born in 1964, and is a 7th Dan Goju-ryu instructor. He enrolled s a student at the Shodokan of Sakugawa Sensei. From 2002, he has run the Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karatedo Shodokan Haebaru Dojo in Kaebane-cho, Haebaru-cho. Ryoichi Nakandagari Sensei has about 180 students who attend weekly. At the dojo, he emphasizes the great importance of traditional techniques, making sure everyone does their kata properly, and repeated instruction to his students.

Lesson info

Program・Private Class
・Group Class
Technological systemOkinawa Karate goju-Ryu  Kihon, Kata, Yakusoku kumit
Lesson time・20:00-22:00 (Tuesday,Saturday)
・10:00-12:00 (Monday to Sunday)
・Based on your request(s)
Fee (not incuding TAX)Group lesson   8,000 JPY
Private lesson 20,000 JPY
Rule・Black belt or your own belt if available
・Respect the Grand Master and other students (if any).
Requirement・Your own drink
Photo & videoPhoto O
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*Prohibited during training
*Sensei’s permission required