Koei Nohara Sensei Hanshi 10th Dan

Koei Nohara Sensei currently presides over the largest Ryu Karate Kobudo Championship in Okinawa. Nohara Sensei has students all over the world and he frequently spends time throughout the year teaching overseas.

Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
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Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
Koei Nohara
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Dojo info

Dojo Name Ryukyukan
Style Shorin-ryu
Area Nis

・Learn kihon, kata and applied movements of Shorin-ryu.
・It is possible to learn ancient Ryukyu martial arts.
・The Kumite taught is full contact style.

Master info
Name Koei Nohara
Grade Shorin-ryu 10th dan
Position President of Ryukyukan

Koei Nohara Sensei currently presides over the largest Ryu Karate Kobudo Championship in Okinawa. Nohara Sensei has students all over the world and he frequently spends time throughout the year teaching overseas.

Lesson info

Program ・Morning Class
・Private Class
・Kobudo Class
・Group Class
Technological system Okinawa Karate Shorin-Ryu  Kihon, Kata, Yakusoku kumite, Ryukyu Kobudo Kihon,Kata
Lesson time ・20:30-22:30 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Fee (not incuding TAX) Group lesson   8,000 JPY
Private lesson  
20,000 JPY
Rule ・Black belt or your own belt if available
・Respect the Grand Master and other students (if any).
Requirement ・Your own drink
Photo & video Photo
*Prohibited during training
*Sensei’s permission required